Plan: Weekly 15-30 minute python tutorials, code demonstrations, and discussions Mondays at 11 AM in the library.
Organizers: Adam Ginsburg and Bernd Husemann
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Astropy has very good and detailed documentation: and a tutorial series (work in progress):
Astropy is a community-led effort to provide basic astronomy-related tools and libraries in python. It is meant to provide all of the functionality astrolib once provided for IDL, but much more.
Community-developed means you can (and should) contribute. All you need is a free github account.
The core functionality of astropy includes: * Units and Quantities (astropy.units) and Constants (astropy.constants) * Data Tables (astropy.table) * Astronomical Coordinate Systems (astropy.coordinates) * World Coordinate System (astropy.wcs) * FITS File handling (
This demonstration is written in an IPython notebook.
ipython is the best way to work with python for interactive data analysis. Notebooks are particularly useful for lectures, demonstrations, and day-to-day exploratory work.
Astropy has a complete set of unit manipulation tools.
from astropy import units as u
from astropy import constants
Any quantity can be assigned a unit by multiplying by the appropriate unit
x = 6563*u.AA
Units can be converted to any equivalent unit (i.e., length->length, speed->speed, etc.)
They cannot be converted to non-equivalent units...
...unless the appropriate equivalencies are specified, u.spectral())
More complicated equivalencies, such as doppler shift (redshift) are possible. They are tied to particular reference values, though:
x = 6582*u.AA
ha_rest = 6562.8*u.AA, u.doppler_optical(ha_rest))
Arrays can also be given units
frequencies = np.linspace(1,2,50)*u.GHz
fluxes = np.random.randn(50)*u.Jy
import pylab as pl
pl.plot(frequencies, fluxes, drawstyle='steps-mid')
pl.xlabel("{0} ({1})".format(frequencies.unit.physical_type, frequencies.unit.to_string()))
pl.ylabel("{0} ({1})".format(fluxes.unit.physical_type, fluxes.unit.to_string()))
Conversion between fk5 and Galactic coordinates (and any other system) is straightforward with astropy.
from astropy import coordinates
# Query the SESAME service to get the coordinates
m31_fk5 = coordinates.FK5.from_name('M31')
Coordinates also work with arrays
ra = [17.5,17.6,17.7,17.8] * u.hour
dec = [-29.2,-29.3,-29.4,-29.5] * u.deg
c = coordinates.FK5(ra,dec)
c, c.galactic
lmc = coordinates.FK5.from_name('LMC')
smc = coordinates.FK5.from_name('SMC')
m33 = coordinates.FK5.from_name('M33')
fig = pl.figure(figsize=(8,6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="mollweide")
ax.scatter(c.galactic.l.radian-2*np.pi, c.galactic.b.radian, color='k')
ax.scatter(m31_fk5.galactic.l.radian, m31_fk5.galactic.b.radian, color='orange')
ax.scatter(m33.galactic.l.radian, m33.galactic.b.radian, color='r')
ax.scatter(lmc.galactic.l.radian-2*np.pi, lmc.galactic.b.radian, color='b')
ax.scatter(smc.galactic.l.radian-2*np.pi, smc.galactic.b.radian, color='m')
Questions and requests?